
28/12/2009 New Arrival~~

第一批三颗树假睫毛超受好评哦~~  公主本人再次给妹眉们呈现
RM15 for 10pairs

Transparent Eye Lashes Glue RM15 7ml 


Brand New!! ☆刘海☆ Bangs Clip-in Hair extensions!!

这可是约会前的一个妙计哦(^ ^)
So another DISCOVER by Princess Milo: Super HOT Bangs Clip-in Hair Extensions! This fabulous clip-on bangs looks real; feels real and it stays put! The hair texture is really smooth, heat-friendly synthetic  fiber so you can curl, cut and style! Now, simply CLIP it on you can get that super chic blunt fridgey without having to cut your own hair!! It saves you so much of time! Super Recommended for that Bad-hair-Day   XD

☆超多量齐刘海假发片☆  Volumized Version! Straight cut Clip-on Bangs
【Colors颜色:自然黑Natural Black,深棕Dark Brown,亚麻色Light Brown】

Volumized! Face Framing Version of Clip-on Side fridge
【颜色Colors:自然黑Natural Black,深棕Dark Brown,亚麻色Light Brown】


For Buyers' Info:
Wear them long or cut them short whatever your style you are sure to love these face framing bangs. Simply Clip In & Go!
Curl straighten cut or blow dry - just like your own hair! Made from high quality synthetic fiber for the most styling versatility - naturally blends into your own hair.
Dollyworkshop policy applies: No exchanges,No refunds,No Trying
So make your choice and purchase carefully!

Photographs shown above has not gone through any adjustments/edit or with any added effects,snapped under natural lighting.
Clip-on Bangs are sold at RM36/pcs!!
We do not have ready stocks, it needs to be pre-ordered so please accommodate at least 7 days for it to arrive at the buyers after payments
价钱决不二价~因为已经很便宜了(^ ^)

Amazing!! ☆发片☆ Long hair in JUST a second!


Don't be thrilled at how Princess Milo's pets (that's us, the Fabulous Dolly Girls, the owners of this little workshop) are constantly changing their looks by transforming their hair in a snap, from short to long; from curly to straight and vice versa.Yuppp! that's what we're talking about here! Clip-on Hair extensions! It's not only HOT amongst the Japanese girls who are always ahead in the fashion trends but also the Hollywood celebrities now can't leave their homes without it!
Clip-in Hair extensions, the benefits? They are relatively inexpensive! So easy-to-use it can be done at home by all yourself (for those who doesn't know how to use a hair-clip you might need a li'l help then..==) are reusable, washable, and only with a little practice, they look totally natural you can't even tell it's a wig!

☆耐高温直发片☆ RM30/Piece
(we would recommend 4 pcs for whole head)
[3 colors: natural black, dark brown, light brown]

☆特厚宽耐高温卷发发片☆ RM30/Piece
(we would recommend 4 pieces for whole head)
35克重;12cm宽;60cm长 【颜色:自然黑,深棕,亚麻色】
[3 colors:natural black,dark brown,light brown]

This is the effects after putting 4 pcs of extensions together:

☆ 为了避免头发看起来不真实,

☆ 头发戴久了,如要清洗,

☆ 发片不论是直或卷,

Please also note that these hair extensions are all pre-ordered so it takes at least 7 days to reach buyers.
Please contact us for orders!

(^ ^)

断货物品 OUT of STOCK







敬请留意(^ ^)谢谢~


To our beloved customers,
Princess Milo would like to inform that,
some of our stuffs are already OUT OF STOCK.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
And below is the list,

- SHISEIDO peel off clay mask (both black n white)

- BIORE cleansing oil

- Ribbon fringe sticker

- Face roller

**SHISEIDO peel off clay mask will be provision again.

Please take note. Thank you for your support!


佩戴假睫毛の必要知识~EyeLash S.O.S~

Fake eyelashes can be stunning when applied properly, but a disaster when not!

Follow the simple steps below to learn how to apply fake eyelashes correctly.

Things that you'll need:
Fake eyelashes
Eyelash Glue
Cuticle Scissors

Step 1

Choose your lashes. Fake eyelashes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Step 2

Make sure they fit. Press the fake eyelashes to your eyelid, along your natural lash line. Do the fake eyelashes extend beyond the natural line? If so, cut off as much as needed from the outside edge with cuticle scissors.

Step 3

Apply the glue. Many people find the it is easy to glide the glue onto the tiny band that holds the lashes together, but if you are having trouble, try using a toothpick or the rounded ends of tweezers. Make sure you have enough glue on the ends, as they tend to come loose easily.

Step 4

Allow to dry. The glue needs to be tacky before applying. If you apply the lash with wet glue, it would slide out of place and look odd. Just make sure it does not dry all of the way. You are waiting for it to be sticky when touched.

Step 5

Place it on your eyelid. You want to make sure it is centered on your eye, and try to get it as close as possible to your eyelashes. Allow it to dry for 30 seconds.

Step 6

Fill in the gaps. If you can see some of your lid between the fake eyelashes and your natural lashes, use liquid eyeliner to paint those gaps. Also run a line of liquid eyeliner along the top edge of the fake eyelashes to help the band blend naturally and to cover up any lumps of glue.


Hottest product in da house!! More introduction and usage of it~

Goods name: Cele-up Hair
Goods code: 2 size set combs: ab66176
Price: 2 size set combs: 1,554 JPY (tax included)
Size: Big : approximate length 12.4×width 3.6×height 5 cm
Small : approximate length 10.2×width 3.6×height 4 cm
Material: ABS resin
Manufacture Designed in Japan
Made in China
Division: Cosmetics / Prom hairstyle

What is prom hair?

Recently, prom hair is very popular with female Japanese celebrities who are rich and elegant. It is a hair style that needs piling up the cowlick and makes it look gorgeous.
It is also popular with girls who have excellent taste in fashion.
It is cute, but I can’t make it well.
I’d like to try it but it is difficult for me.
So many ladies have trouble in making this prom hairstyle.
A convenient idea springs up! Only by putting on hair and covering them, the prom hairstyle is O.K!
Simple, hurtles and beautiful.
Only with this, you can change to a gorgeous and beautiful lady in a minute.
(1) No need to prom cowlick, no burden to your hair.
(2) The 2 sizes of prom hairstyles can be chosen up to you.
(3) It is easy to bring at work or on travel.
(4) It is easy to arrange to meet the fashion.

Easy to use! 3 Steps
Step 1:
Take some amount of hair on the top of head; insert the goods in the root of hair.

Step 2:
Hold the goods and cover it with the amount of hair that you had taken on step 1.

Step 3:
Raise some side hair. Arrange your hairstyle, and fix them with hair rubbers or pins.

The perfection of prom hairstyle depends on hair amount, hair length, and hair quality. Sometimes the goods can’t cover the amount of hair.
As the shapes of head are different, sometimes the skin can be seen when hair is piled up.
Good points of simple and convenient Cele-up hair.
Point 1. Fewer burdens for hair

Don’t worry about the painfulness of hair as there is no need piling up hair from down to up.
Some women are worried about their hair damage when they want to prom hair from down to up because it hurts the organization of hair. Combing hair from down to up is very bad for hair quality.
But with Cele-up hair, just put it on your hair, the prom hairstyle is ok.
No need combing hair from down to up and no need using hair styling products.
Lessen the time you make up the prom hair!

Point 2. Set of 2 sizes.
 Chose different sizes you like.
The big gorgeous prom hairstyle
The small natural prom hairstyle
Spunky time such as friends' weddings, enjoyable parties, and gorgeous prom hairstyle is the best.
Natural prom hairstyle is suitable for you in everyday clothes.
The prom hairstyle makes causal fashion girls more charming.

Point 3. Light and compact
It is easy to take to work or travel.
It is such a small size comb that can be put in your handbag. Even you suddenly go out or go on a journal in the very morning; it helps you to make a quick and simple hairstyle.

Point 4. Flexible arrangements
Do your own hairstyle to meet your fashion taste and mood!
The prom hairstyle is suitable to different clothes.
Cute girls or beautiful girls can raise their charm just by piling up their hairstyles.

Attention of use!
The perfection of pile up hairstyle depends on hair amount, hair length, and hair quality. Sometimes the goods can’t cover the amount of hair.

As the shapes of head are different, sometimes the skin can be seen when hair is piled up.

It may fall down from hair. Please fix it with hair pins, rubbers and accessories.

Please take it off when you go to sleep.

Do not use it when you do exercises.

If there are eczema on your head, please stop using it.

Cele-up hair cannot be close to dryer and hot water.

* The shape will change

Please spread hair styling products on Cele-up hair directly.

As the injection of resin is on the top of the comb during making shape, it looks like bruise. There are no quality problems.


♥三棵树假睫毛♥ Dolly Eye Lashes has arrived!!

只要一戴上~摇身就变大眼睛娃娃 放电指数绝对不输给♥米露公主♥哦~

Welcome back to our shop first of all! I'm sure you'll find more and more you'd love here!
Promised not to disappoint you, We're always bringing in new and coolest beauty stuff to share~from time to time!
Now do scroll down to find our fabulous looking eye lashes made in taiwan,specially selected by us
Change your look everytime you wear them, from innocent-dolly-girl to wild&sexy little kitty~
**Wink wink

一盒十对 只需:
10 pairs of lashes per box, we're selling it only at






Eye-lashes Demo : p

         ♥017         ♥011



最近好多美眉买家都在问本公主啊。。敏感或长豆豆的皮肤要用什么面膜好呢??那。。除了Dolly Workshop 最销的<北海道恋人>面膜以外,这个热辣辣的新鲜货就是台湾现在最受宠的哦~~~重点是这一系列的面膜正是美眉们需要的“天天好脸色”的救星了!!
给爱长豆豆的皮肤呢,本公主特地推荐 “最近那个来”,真的很有效哦~~

RM 5/pc


~Crystal Collagen Skin Care Masks~ Really goooooood!!


面膜介绍 RM 6.00

成 份
天然溫泉礦物黑泥、仙人掌萃取Cactus ext.、植物膠原蛋白Plant Collagen、熊果素Arbutin、保濕因子(PCA-NA)、複合式生長因子Nano Bio-Enzymes、蠶絲蛋白Biosilk
功 效

成 份
功 效
精純活性左旋C,還你淨白好肌膚-不但具有淨白肌膚的功效,更能夠深入肌膚底層,均勻明亮膚色、改善肌膚黯沈、緊緻細紋等多重功效,讓肌膚回復青春年輕與緊實活力!添加頂級的24K活性金, 質地清爽而不黏膩,能在肌膚表面留下柔滑舒適的保濕膜層。

成 份
紅酒多酚萃取菁華、蘆薈、金縷梅、甘油. EGF. 24K活性金
功 效
含有紅酒等營養成分,保持面部皮膚富有彈性、充滿活力. ,充分浸透肌膚深層,針對季節交替肌膚敏感、乾燥缺水、粗糙暗沉現象。添加頂級的24K活性金, 質地清爽而不黏膩,能在肌膚表面留下柔滑舒適的保濕膜層。

成 份
功 效
高濃度玻尿酸,完整立體結構的大分子,在肌膚表面形成強力水磁場,能提供肌膚全天的保濕能力,多種天然植物萃取,充分浸透肌膚深層添加頂級的24K活性金, 質地清爽而不黏膩,能在肌膚表面留下柔滑舒適的保濕膜層。微量元素可滲透至肌膚底層,達到潤澤的滋養功效,敷後肌膚即可呈現水嫩潤白的光澤。

眼膜介紹 RM 4.20

成 份
功 效

成 份
紅酒多酚萃取菁華、蘆薈、金縷梅、甘油、 EGF、24K活性金
功 效

依洛嘉頂級寶石金:EGF 天山黑泥眼膜
成 份
功 效

成 份
功 效





Cawaii Hair Accesories~

Check out this hair volumizer inserts from Japan, it gives your hair a natural looking lift without having to apply heavy gel and hair sprays. This great invention saves you time and hassle in creating volumed hair and it's truly a savior for the "flat-ness" and "bad-hair-day!"
A set of 2 hair volumizer inserts (2 different sizes for 2 different look!) costs only RM18!
Believe me it's so easy and fun to use!



Brand New "My Scheming" 《心机》美眉变公主咯~~新包装新系列上市了!!

My Scheming series of facial masks are Hot selling Taiwanese beauty facial masks and are marketed towards asian skins.
I've personally tried it and fall in love with it for sure, check out the new series of My Scheming~ It's sooooo Flowery Beautiful~~~

我的心機~花系列之日本山茶花保濕面膜 [强烈推荐]
My Scheming Flower Series
Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask [Strongly Recommended]

The natural camellia extract increases the moisturizing and soothing function. And, it also repairs skin. Hyaluronan, saccharide isomerate moisturizing factor, and jojoba oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalizes your face for smooth and radiance effects.

我的心機~花系列之普羅旺斯薰衣草舒緩面膜 [强烈推荐]
My Scheming Flower Series

Provence Lavender Soothing Mask [Strongly Recommended]

Lavender extract balances sebum secretion. The fragrance calms and relaxes your mind. This mask is specially formulated for sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face. With chamomile extract and hyaluronan added, this mask improves skin elasticity and give you a smooth and radiant skin.

我的心機~花系列之保加利亞玫瑰嫩白面膜 [强烈推荐]
My Scheming Flower Series
Bulgarian Rose Whitening Mask
Rose extract deeply moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone. Hyaluronan in this mask helps skin to replenish moisture. A protective layer preventing moisture loss is left on the skin upon. Your skin restores the normal tension for a delicate and smooth look!

我的心機~花系列之我的心機櫻花嫩白光采面膜 [强烈推荐]
My Scheming Flower Series
Sakura Whitening Mask [Strongly Recommended]

Riched with Vitamin C that penetrates deeply into skin to restore moisture, radiance and purify the pores. The combined efficiency of Hyaluronan and other plants extract especially Marigold controls excessive sebum mildly, at the same time brightening your skin generously.

动心了吧美眉们? 嘻嘻。。。果然爱美心机很重哦~
Tell me how much u'll love it~ If you're already attracted to the Flower series of My Scheming, be sure you have tried these 3 specially picked by Me!! 

My Scheming Q10 Collagen Firming Mask (New Packaging)
我的心機~Q10 膠原蛋白彈力緊膚面膜(新包裝)
Collagen doubly enhances skin elasticity. Q10 firms your skin with more elasticity. With seaweed essence, the high level of moisturizing effect gives you smooth and bright skin. This mask rejuvenates your skin for a healthy and beautiful look!

My Scheming Bird's Nest Collagen Mask (New Packaging)

The mask is specially formulated with Bird's nest and collagen extract, rich in hydrating properties, to help instantly boost skin's luminosity and elasticity.
Pamper your skin with a sensation of invigorating hydration!

My Scheming Caviar Extract Mask (New Packaging)

Caviar extract regards as "Ociean Diamond" as an anti-oxidant which contains rich phospholipid, phosphoprotein, human-needed DNA, vitamins and amino acid, enable to activate and renew skin.
It gives yor skin moisture and a firming by repairing damaged skin and reviving skin function. The mask additionally adds fagus sylvtica extracts and vitamin E, which improve normal function of skin and activity.
Your skin can be mild and tender like infant!

我的心机系列 无论是花花,还是鱼子燕窝Q10通通卖你最~~~~低价
Whole range of "My Scheming" series are priced at RM3.90 per piece~

~SORRY! OUT OF STOCK~ Creating Dolly Big eyes with BlingBling^^娃娃大眼是靠它的哦~



白色眼线画在眼头是打造水滴眼必备的哦! 能让眼睛变得楚楚可怜的~

黑色下眼线稍微上扬也会创造水滴眼吧~~ 只要学会这种技巧,眼型就不会被影响!

Using your eye liner pencils to create bigger eyes as well as an eye brow pencil!
It comes in 3 shades: White, Black and Brown. Each sold at RM2.50 only!
一支只售RM2.50 (黑、棕、白三色共你选哦~)